A fresh filet of Coho salmon caught nearby and grilled on a cedar plank! It was delicious and flavorful.
It provided more than 30g of protein for three dinners and, added to eggs, made a wonderful omelet for one breakfast.
Protein is a crucial component of every cell in our bodies. It’s necessary for building and repairing tissues, making hormones and enzymes, producing energy and many other things. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle or feel more satiated at mealtime, it’s important to get adequate amounts of healthy protein. It is especially important for older adults to preserve muscle mass and reduce the risk of falls and fractures.
Did you know that there are TWO main types of proteins?
COMPLETE PROTEINS: Contains all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. Animal sources such as meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and soybeans are complete proteins.
INCOMPETE PROTEINS: Does not contain those nine essential amino acids. Legumes, some nuts and seeds, grains and leafy vegetables are incomplete proteins.
How much protein do you need each day?
This depends on your age, gender, activity level, and other factors. The recommended daily amount varies from 1.2 to 2g/kg per day.
How to calculate the amount of protein you need: Weight ÷ 2.2 x g/kg
If you weigh 133lbs, then your protein needs for the day using 1.6g/kg would be 133 ÷ 2.2 x 1.6 = 96.7g protein.
My top 5 protein sources to include in regular meals or snack rotation:
Eggs (7g per egg)
Salmon (30g in 4 oz cooked)
Chicken (35g in 4oz cooked)
Sardines (21g per can)
Cottage Cheese (18g per serving)
Tips for incorporating more protein into your diet:
Eat a protein-rich breakfast
Add protein to your snacks, such as nuts, seeds, and hardboiled eggs
Include a protein source in every meal and snack
Use protein powders to make smoothies and include in your baked goods.
I love to start my day with a protein-rich breakfast, such as a smoothie or an omelet with leftover protein from dinner. It has 30 to 40g of protein and keeps me satiated and energized for at least 4 hours.
Questions? Email me at natalie@natalievanderpump.com.
Thanks for reading!