About Wellness

Wellness is not merely the absence of illness, but the process of making a conscious decision to live a balanced and meaningful life. 

I take a holistic approach to wellbeing because that’s what works, long-term, for me and for my clients. Holistic wellbeing includes aspects of the body, emotions, spirit, environment, intellect, and time management. Bringing awareness to and practicing how all these domains work together is the key to success, especially if you’ve tried and failed in the past. 

I am a Holistic Wellness Coach. I specialize in working with people diagnosed as pre-diabetic, those who live with Type 2 diabetes, and people who exceed their ideal weight. Together, we identify and navigate an interconnected set of life changes that will contribute to their wellness.

About Our Partnership

You’ve got health care providers, a diagnosis, and access to information. Knowledge is the first step, and it can sometimes feel daunting. Changing a lifetime of decisions and habits is difficult, especially on your own. What if you also had a professional in your corner to help you forge your own path to wellness? 

  • a Certified Wellness Coach who will complement the care you’re receiving from your own doctors and nutritionists 

  • someone who has forged her own path back to a healthy blood sugar level 

Through one-on-one coaching, I will support you in designing the lifestyle you want by helping you to create your own customized goals, work through barriers and hindrances to those goals, and by becoming your accountability partner. I’ll share what I’ve learned from my own journey, and from others’ paths as well.

Design crushes willpower – BJ Fogg

The experience will be as unique as you are. I’ll learn about you, the choices you make, your support systems, and your vision for your health. We’ll synthesize the information you have from your doctor, nutritionist, and dietician to create goals that fit your needs. We’ll assess your wellness from multiple perspectives and use the insights to support your goals, remove obstacles and pave your path to success.

More About Me

To my great surprise, I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic in 2013. My perception of what a person with diabetes would look like was inconsistent with how I saw myself. It was a humbling experience, but I worked to reverse the diagnosis. With focus, trial-and-error, diligence, and a supportive community of healthcare providers and friends, I was able to lower my blood sugar to the target range – and, with some ups and down along the way, I’ve kept it there for seven years. 

I have shared openly about my journey and continue to learn how many people around me have received a similar diagnosis, but are struggling to achieve their goals. 

I want to help. I believe in you and want to become a partner in your journey to wellness. 

If you’d like to explore a partnership, please connect here.

Six dimensions. Countless opportunities.

“Working with Natalie allowed me to … align my body, mind and spirit.” —Jordan, wellness client

I am a Holistic Wellness Coach who believes that everyone has a path to a more fulfilling life, one filled with balance and meaning. But this doesn’t mean everyone’s path is the same—because there are six dimensions of wellness, and we all are stronger in some and weaker in others.

Perhaps you are facing health challenges. Maybe you feel great physically, but a lack of purpose or motivation is impacting you emotionally. Or it could be that stress is overwhelming every other aspect of your life. You might not even know where to begin—you just know something is holding you back from living the life you deserve.

I am an expert on your side who will help design the lifestyle you want. I compliment the care you receive from your doctor and specialists, working with you to create customized goals and serving as an accountability partner as you overcome barriers. Together, we identify and navigate an interconnected set of changes that will contribute to your overall wellness.



Holistic wellness is about evaluating all areas of wellness, determining where you can make the biggest impact, and then creating a plan to make progress toward where you want to be.I focus on the following dimensions:

Physical wellness

This is anything that has to do with your body—whether you want to lose weight, address challenges such as prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes, stop harmful habits, or just feel better every day.

Emotional wellness

From stress to anxiety to anger, emotions play an outsized role in how we live. While we can’t eliminate these things, we can control how we respond to them. And that can make all the difference in the world.

Spiritual wellness

“Spiritual” doesn’t necessarily mean “religious”—we all have values and beliefs, and we all need a sense of meaning and purpose to lead a fulfilling life. Our inner thoughts and motivations drive our actions and activities; do yours truly reflect who you are, and who you want to be?

Spatial wellness

The spaces in which we spend our time matter more than you might think when it comes to wellness. Excessive clutter or over-accumulation can create emotional obstacles, which is where my organizational coaching comes in.

Intellectual wellness

Routines are necessary in life, but they can also lead us into ruts that are hard to escape. Trying new things and seeking new challenges are vital for growth and fulfillment—this continued learning can help illuminate your path, or lead you in different and exciting directions.

Time wellness

There’s always something else to do, somewhere to shuttle the kids, more work to be done (and thanks to remote working, it’s easier these days to work more than ever). At the end of the day, it’s tempting to plop down in front of the TV and just do nothing for a while. Time wellness is giving yourself the freedom to do the things that matter most to you.


My free consultations aren’t 10-minute conversations—they are 60-minute mini-sessions that provide you with value and insights, whether you decide to work with me or not. Get in touch and start your new journey to wellness today!